Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
{(if: $day is 2)[
(else-if: $day is 3)[
(else-if: $day is 4)[
It is day $day.
You're currently in a [[small room]] in an Inn that you rented.
View [[inventory|helper]].
Go to the [[dining hall]].
Go to the [[town]].
Go to [[sleep]].{(set: $sword to 100)
(set: $potions to 10)
(set: $teleportCrystals to 2)
(set: $shield to 0)
(set: $hp to 100)
(set: $fullHP to 100)
(set: $currency to 50)
(set: $currExperience to 0)
(set: $allTimeExp to 100)
(set: $level to 5)
(set: $enemySpawn to (random:0,4))
(set: $foundMoney to false)
(set: $swordDmg to 15)
(set: $fromOne to false)
(set: $fromTown to false)
(set: $day to 1)
(set: $crowHP to 35)
(set: $horseHP to 50)
(set: $batHP to 25)
(set: $useShield to false)
(set: $fromFive to false)
(set: $fromTown2 to false)
(set: $fromCrow to false)
(set: $fromHorse to false)
(set: $fromBat to false)
(set: $johnInventory to false)
(set: $fromJohn to false)
(set: $johnHP to 300)
(set: $timesExplored to 0)}Click on an item to view its properties.
Current Level: $level
Current Experience: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
You currently have:
{(if: $sword > 0)[A [[heavy weight sword]].<br>]
(if: $shield > 0)[A [[small shield]] with $shield endurance left.<br>]
(if: $potions > 0)[$potions [[potions]].<br>]
(if: $teleportCrystals > 0)[$teleportCrystals [[teleport crystals]].<br>]}
{(if: $fromOne is true)[(set: $fromOne to false)Go [[Back|One]].]
(else-if: $fromTown is true)[(set: $fromTown to false)Go [[Back|town]].]
(else-if: $fromFive is true)[(set: $fromFive to false)Go [[Back|Dawn of the Final Day]].]
(else-if: $fromTown2 is true)[(set: $fromTown2 to false)Go [[Back|town2]].]}A deep red elixir that restores 50 hp. A necessary tool for all adventurers, especially ones that take a lot of damage. And yes, that includes you.
[[Back|inventory]]Teleport Crystals teleport you to a few different places, the Inn, or the town mostly, sometimes helpful to teleport out of fights when you're too low on hp to continue, and ran out of potions.
[[Back|inventory]]A blacksmith's broad sword made out of high carbon steel. The blade sharpened to a steep point, more than enough to slice flesh if need be. Your most trust worthy weapon.
Current damage: $swordDmg
[[Back|inventory]]A small shield, seems a little broken down, and seems a little dingy for your liking. But, it gets the job done, and can shield for up to 100 damage.
Use the shield before an attack to block!
[[Back|inventory]]It was.. nice, if that's what you could call being stuck in this death machine and being forced to stay here.
A little too simple for your tastes, a cot, with straw bedding and a simple sheet, some sort of white linen.
A trunk at the foot of the cot, again, weathered and worn down, and the clasp made an awful squealing sound once it was pried open, and on top of it, all the metal was rusting. You were greatful that you couldn't catch tetinus in this place at least. The worst thing would happen if you would get sick.
The floors creaked whenever you stepped somewhere new, and you could hear the noise of farm animals waiting for slaughter, and everyone in the main dining hall below your room.
[[Back|One]]Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
Walking into the dining hall, you spot tables full of brutes sitting with pretty little girls. It felt like a high school cafeteria, and felt the most normal out of all the things that you've experienced in this world so far.
It was the least fun thing you could think to do. But, it did help to find some money on the ground, and you hoped that it never belonged to anyone. Although you could always pull the "finders keepers" card.
{(if: $foundMoney is false)[You found $15!
(set: $currency to $currency + 15)
(set: $foundMoney to true)]
(else:)[There's no more money, you found it already.]}
[[Back|One]]Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
The small town that you chose as your hub for activities, and your leveling, was close to a lot of things. One of the most important being a little shop.
There were small benches, and cafes scattered everywhere, and some people enjoying their last few moments, knowing that they didn't have the time to level up. Enjoying their cafe in bliss, you wished that you could do the same.
View [[inventory|helper2]].
Go to the [[field]].
Go to the [[shop]].
Go to the [[Inn|One]].Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
The field has green grass, and what you always thought of as ruins surrounding the play area. The ruins were covered in hyroglyphs of what the story had as a civilization before everyone was there, and it always seemed interesting to you.
Different monsters were spawning everywhere.
{(if: $timesExplored < 10)[Go [[explore]].]
(else:)[You're way too tired to continue for the day, you decide to call it a night and head back to the inn.]}
[[Back|town]]Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
Here you could see the little shopkeep, a simple old woman with horribly done AI, you could probably program better than this.
"Good day!" the shopkeep said, her voice a little too chirpy, it felt like it was the voice actor's first gig, too excited to sound like the little old lady. "Take a look around!"
On the table in front of you were:
[[Potions for $10]]]
[[Teleport Crystals for $50]]
[[Shield for $200]]
[[Back|town]]{(if: $currency > 10)[Purchase successful!
(set: $potions to it + 1)
(set: $currency to it - 10)
Current potions: $potions
Current money: $ $currency]
(else:)[(display: "Cannot Purchase")]}
[[Back|shop]]{(if: $currency > 50)[Purchase successful!
(set: $teleportCrystals to it + 1)
(set: $currency to it - 50)
Current teleport crystals: $teleportCrystals
Current money: $ $currency]
(else:)[(display: "Cannot Purchase")]}
[[Back|shop]]You don't have enough to buy this!{(set: $enemySpawn to (random:0,4))
(if: $enemySpawn is 0)[(goto: "Found nothing")]
(if: $enemySpawn is 1)[(goto: "Crow")]
(if: $enemySpawn is 2)[(goto: "Fish")]
(if: $enemySpawn is 3)[(goto: "Horse")]
(if: $enemySpawn is 4)[(goto: "Bat")]}Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
{(if: (random:0,1) is 0)[Hey, listen! You found money! (set: $currency to it + (either: 5, 10, 20))]
(else:)[Found more of just the usual grass, nothing exciting to see. You're disappointed.]}
[[Back|field]]{(set: $fromOne to true)
(goto: "inventory")}{(set: $fromTown to true)
(goto: "inventory")}Your routine has been the same for as long as you can remember, trying to get away from him. The days blurring together so horribly that you can barely remember what it was like outside of this game, you're starting to forget your friends and family, and it's absolutely terrible.
'Him' being the game master keeping you trapped here. His name, just like his personality, is boring, John. Obviously as a game developer he isn't going to tell you his last name, apparently there's just something so magical about leaving it as just your first name.
You wake up in the morning, go to fight whatever you can manage to get out of this hell, eat, and sleep, forever, or at least until you can fight your way out.
The "deal", which you didn't get to control, and was pretty much decided for you, was that you needed to get strong enough to beat the game, a simple concept, really. And the best part? You only have 5 days to get geared up. It's so scary to you, but you know that you don't have time to be afraid.
[[Day One|One]](set: $day to it+1)
(set: $timesExplored to 0)
(set: $foundMoney to false)
(if: $day < 5)[(goto: "One")]
(else:)[(goto: "Dawn of the Final Day")]Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
It is day 5.
Today's the day. You're going to stand up to the creator that turned your life into turmoil. You thought it was going to be a death sentence, you thought that your conscience was going to be stuck here for the rest of its days, if a conscience can even die.
View [[inventory|helper3]].
Go to the [[town|town2]].Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
Crow HP: $crowHP
A large black crow flies into view, flapping its heavy wings in what seemed like slow motion. It lands on the ground, claws digging into the dirt, pulling up grass around it. It caws loudly in your face, and you swear you can feel the flem land on you.
[[View Inventory|Crow Battle Help]]Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
{(if: $useShield is true)[Shield: $shield]}
Crow HP: $crowHP
You swipe your blade at the crow, praying on a hit.
{(set: $hitOrMiss to (either: 1, 2, 3))
(if: $hitOrMiss is >= 2)[Hit! You did $swordDmg to the crow!<br/><br/>
(set:$crowHP to it - $swordDmg)
(if: $crowHP <= 0)[You [[killed it]]!]
(else-if: $crowHP > 0)[[[Keep fighting|Crow]]]]
(else:)[You missed the crow, [[ouch]].]}Current HP: $hp
Money: $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
You currently have:
{(if: $sword > 0)[A sword that does $swordDmg damage.<br>]
(if: $shield > 0)[A shield with $shield endurance left. [[Use Shield]]<br>]
(if: $potions > 0)[$potions potions. [[Use Potion]]<br>]
(if: $teleportCrystals > 0)[$teleportCrystals Teleport Crystals. [[Use Teleport Crystal]]<br>]}
{(if: $fromCrow is true)[[[Back|Crow Help]].]
(else-if: $fromJohn is true)[[[Back|John Help]].]
(else-if: $fromHorse is true)[[[Back|Horse Help]].]
(else-if: $fromBat is true)[[[Back|Bat Help]].]
(else-if: $johnInventory is true)[[[Back|charge Help]].]}Crow HP: $crowHP
Current HP: $hp
{(set: $hitDmg to (either: 15, 20, 30))}
The crow hit you for $hitDmg hp!
{(if: $useShield is true)[(set: $shield to it - 10)]
(else:)[(set: $hp to it - $hitDmg)]
(if: $shield <= 0 and $useShield is true)[(set: $useShield to false)Your shield broke!]}
Your HP now: $hp
{(if: $hp > 0)[Fight [[on|Crow]].]
(else:)[You [[perished]].]}Congratulations! The crow is dead!
Exp Gained: 20
Money Gained: 15
Current HP: $hp
{(set: $currExperience to it + 20)
(set: $currency to it + 15)
(set: $crowHP to 35)
(set: $timesExplored to it + 1)
(if: $currExperience >= $allTimeExp)[You just [[leveled up]]!]
(else:)[Carry [[on|field]].]}You went down faithfully in battle, and at least you can say that you tried.
{(set: $hp to 100)
(set: $sword to 100)
(set: $currency to 50)
(set: $currExperience to 0)
(set: $allTimeExp to 100)
(set: $level to 85)
(set: $bowDmg to 10)
(set: $day to 1)
(set: $johnHP to 300)
(set: $swordDmg to 15)
(set: $timesExplored to 0)
(set: $foundMoney to false)}
[[Game Over. Play Again?|One]]Congratulations, gamer!
You just earned another level!
{(set: $currExperience to 0)
(set: $level to it + 1)
(set: $fullHP to it + 50)
(set: $allTimeExp to it + 50)
(set: $swordDmg to it + 5)
(set: $hp to $fullHP)}
Level: $level
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
{(if: $fromJohn is true)[(set: $fromJohn to false)[[Fight on!|next]]]
(else:)[[[Fight on!|field]]]}{(set: $useShield to true)
(set: $shield to 100)
(goto:"View Inventory")}{(set: $hp to it + 50)
(if: $hp > $fullHP)[(set: $hp to $fullHP)]
(set: $potions to it - 1)
(goto:"View Inventory")}You've selected to use a teleport crystal. Decide where you would like to go.
{(if: $crowHP < 35)[(set: $crowHP to 35)]
(else-if: $horseHP < 50)[(set: $horseHP to 50)]
(else:)[(set: $batHP to 25)]}
[[Inn.|One]]Luckily the fish in this world are a sign of good luck, and faith. If you can catch one, it's said that you'll gain great fortune.
[[Go to Fish]]{(set: $roll to (either:0,1))
(if: $roll is 0)[(goto: "Gain EXP")]
(else:)[(goto:"Gain Money")]}Gain 15 EXP! Fish really are lucky!
{(set: $currExperience to it + 15)
(set: $timesExplored to it + 1)
(if: $currExperience >= $allTimeExp)[You have [[leveled up]]!]
(else:)[Continue your [[quest|field]].]}The next day it was raining, pouring, really. It was to the point where you couldn't see five feet in front of you, but, this meant that there were a lot of frogs out and about chirping. The little green guys gave a nice ambience, even though it was still raining pretty heavily.
You were still determined to get to the next level, still determined to reach your limit, to gain what you had lost. You were still optimistic.
{(set: $timesExplored to 0)}Today feels better, the sun is out again, and it's amazing that a game can recreate smells, but you could smell the fresh fallen rain, y'know that smell when you go camping and you walk out of your tent and it just smells wet. It made you want to cozy up in your room in the Inn with a blanket.
But, you knew the day of John's reckoning was coming, and it was going to be messy, but you were going to survive. You were going to be sure of it.
(set: $timesExplored to 0)Tomorrow.
Tomorrow was the day where John was going to destroy the society that he spent years to build. It's the day that so many people are going to lose their lives. It looms over you like a shadow, but you know that you can stop it. You know that it's something that *is* avoidable. You just need to be strong enough. But it's tomorrow, and you need to be strong enough by then. You just have to.
You have every opportunity to see your family again, and every opportunity to take your life back. You are going to *take your life back*.
(set: $timesExplored to 0)Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
Horse HP: $horseHP
A large horse that looks like it's taken some hits in the past saunters toward you, and if a horse could ever look menacing, this one did. It's eyes narrowed and it's nostrils flared as it came charging at you.
[[View Inventory|Battle Help]]Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
Bat HP: $batHP
A large bat with torn wings flies over head above you. You really felt like the game having a bow available would be the best case scenario for you right now. But, unfortunately, John hated you and everyone who dwelled here.
[[View Inventory|Bat Battle Help]]The fish love you! And have blessed you with fortune.
{(set: $gainedGold to (either: 5,10,20))
(set: $timesExplored to it + 1)
(set: $currency to it + $gainedGold)}
Money: $ $currency
[[Continue on|field]]Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
{(if: $useShield is true)[Shield: $shield]}
Horse HP: $horseHP
You rush forward and attack the horse, if this thing was going to charge at you, you can definitely do the same, even though you may not be the most menacing person ever.
But this thing was so big, how could you miss? But this also means that it hit you, and it stung.
{(set: $horseHP to it - $swordDmg)
(if: $useShield is true)[(set: $shield to it - 10)]
(else:)[(set: $hp to it - 10)]
(if: $shield <= 0 and $useShield is true)[(set: $useShield to false)Your shield broke!]
(if: $horseHP <= 0)[You [[killed it|killed Horse]]!]
(else-if: $hp <= 0)[You [[perished]].]
(else:)[[[Fight on|Horse]].]}Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
(set: $moneyGained to (either: 15, 20, 25))
Congrats! You killed the horse!
Experience gained: 25
Money gained: $ $moneyGained
{(set: $currency to it + $moneyGained)
(set: $currExperience to it + 25)
(set: $horseHP to 50)
(set: $timesExplored to it + 1)
(if: $currExperience >= $allTimeExp)[You [[leveled up]]!]
(else:)[Keep [[going|field]]!]}Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
{(if: $useShield is true)[Shield: $shield]}
Bat HP: $batHP
You swipe your blade at the bat, praying on a hit.
{(set: $hitOrMiss to (either: 1, 2, 3))
(if: $hitOrMiss is >= 2)[Hit! You did $swordDmg to the bat!
(set:$batHP to it - $swordDmg)
(if: $batHP <= 0)[You [[killed it|killed bat]]!]
(else-if: $batHP > 0)[[[Keep fighting|Bat]]]]
(else:)[You missed the bat, [[ouch|ouchie]].]}Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
Bat HP: $batHP
Jeez, this bat is ruthless.
(set: $batDMG to (either: 5, 10, 15))
It hit you for $batDMG.
{(if: $useShield is true)[(set: $shield to it - 10)]
(else:)[(set: $hp to it - $batDMG)]
(if: $shield <= 0 and $useShield is true)[(set: $useShield to false)Your shield broke!]
(if: $hp <= 0)[You [[perished]].]
(else:)[[[Fight on|Bat]].]}(set: $fromFive to true)
(goto: "inventory")Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
It was scary here, and you hated it. The sky turned blood red, and there was a giant alert that popped up over everyone's head. They were all leaving their homes and shops, and cutting off all of their daily activities. Today is the day, and this was the day that everyone was dreading.
"Attention! All of my loyal subjects!" You could hear John say from wherever he was, it sounded like there was a surround sound speaker around your head.
Half of the people around you rolled their eyes, the others backed down and cowered behind some of their friends.
"Any challenger who would like to face me, although I doubt any of you could kill me, come to the Origin Tree! I will be there until it strikes noon. Good luck!"
And then, the sky cleared, and bled out into its original blue, the birds started chirping again, and there was an immediate panic. Everyone knew that this was coming, was nobody else preparing?
Oh well, it's your time to be a hero.
Go to the [[origin tree]].
View [[inventory|town inventory]].
Go to the [[shop|final Shop]].Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
Congrats! You killed the bat!
{(set: $gainedEXP to (either: 10, 20, 30))
(set: $gainedMoney to (either: 5, 10, 15))}
EXP gained: $gainedEXP
Money gained: $ $gainedMoney
{(set: $currExperience to it + $gainedEXP)
(set: $currency to it + $gainedMoney)
(set: $batHP to 25)
(set: $timesExplored to it + 1)
(if: $currExperience >= $allTimeExp)[You [[leveled up]]!]
(else:)[Carry [[on|field]].]}Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
Ariving at the origin tree, which you had never been to before this, was something truly different, and something you'd never experienced before. The tree looked like it was made out of pure marble, and the leaves seemed to be some sort of rose gold metal that glittered in the sunlight.
There was a small archway at the base of the tree, that lead into what looked like from the outside a throne room. The closer you get the more you hear the screams from the people inside, some sound like they're in pain, others can be heard screaming for help. It sounded like a mad house in there.
There were two guards standing in front of the gate, or what looked to be guards, but the closer you got to them they were just empty suits of armor, propped up against the archway. They must have gone to spend their final moments with their friends and family that they made after being stuck in this hell hole. You can't entirely blame them.
This was it.
Either [[go inside]] or [[turn away]]. No other options.
No escape.(set: $fromHorse to true)
(goto: "View Inventory")(set: $fromBat to true)
(goto: "View Inventory")(set: $fromCrow to true)
(goto: "View Inventory")Current HP: $hp
Money: $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
You gather up the guts and whatever courage you have left and march your way toward the door. Along the way something grabs onto your foot and you look down. "Don't do it!" the bloodied figure says as they stare at you. "You'll die in there!"
"We'll all die if I don't go in there too," you say in response, and shake your leg free, walking the rest of the way to the throne room. The screaming ceased by then, and judging by the looks of the room they vaporized before you could even cross the threshold.
"Ah! A new challenger!" John says, his new form now sickening to look at. He seemed to be mixed with some sort of spider, a boss you recognized from one of the early dungeons of the game. The Arachnid Queen. He had four eyes, and six legs, the upper half of his body staying the same, yet he had some long fangs oozing with something you could only assume was poison. Gross.
John crossed his arms over his chest, looking to be impatient. "Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to fight me?"
You gather up the last of your courage, and your might, and you [[charge]].Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
You decide that this wasn't what you wanted in your final hours. You didn't want to just die in there. You had purpose, a life, a family, and you would rather spend this time reminiscing about them than trying to claw your way away from this hell.
You turn and walk back down the path you came, feeling defeated. You weren't nearly as prepared as you feel like you should be.
You lost, and not in the valiant way of battle. You *lost*. Your family would be ashamed, and you definitely feel that way.
[[Good Job, loser|perished]]Current HP: $hp
Money: $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
John HP: $johnHP
Running toward John you can't help but feel the pit fall in your stomach. This was it, your only chance.
[[Attack|John Attack]]
[[View Inventory|John Inventory]]Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
John HP: $johnHP
You swipe your blade at John, praying for a hit anywhere on his body, his head would be prefered, but who knows at this point what you could even call any part of his body.
{(set: $johnDmg to (either: 15, 30, 40))
(set: $critHit to (either: 0, 1))
(if: $critHit is 0)[You damaged John for $swordDmg damage!<br/><br/>(set: $johnHP to it - $swordDmg)John was able to hit you back for $johnDmg damage!
(if: $useShield is true)[(set: $shield to it - $johnDmg)](else:)[(set: $hp to it - $johnDmg)]]
(if: $shield <= 0)[(set: $useShield to false)Your shield broke!<br/><br/>]
(else:)[(set: $newDmg to $swordDmg + 10) You damaged John for $newDmg damage!<br/><br/>(set: $johnHp to it - $newDmg)John was able to hit you back for $johnDmg damage!(set: $hp to it - $johnDmg)]
(if: $johnHP <= 0)[(set: $fromJohn to true)Go to the next phase [[next|john]].]
(else-if: $hp <= 0)[You [[perished]].]
(else:)[Keep [[going|charge]].]}Current HP: $hp
Money: $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
You currently have:
{(if: $sword > 0)[A sword that does $swordDmg damage.<br>]
(if: $shield > 0)[A shield with $shield endurance left. [[Use Shield|JohnShield]]<br>]
(if: $potions > 0)[$potions potions. [[Use Potion|JohnPot]]<br>]}
[[Back|charge]](set: $fromCrow to false)
(goto: "Crow")(set: $fromHorse to false)
(goto: "Horse")(set: $fromBat to false)
(goto: "Bat")(set: $johnInventory to false)
(goto: "charge")Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
John HP: $johnHP
"You thought your little tickles would hurt me? Foolish child," John says in this matter of fact tone. Just before the room starts to shine a bright white. You shielded your eyes to not go blind, although in this reality there was no way for you to go blind.
When you turn back to John he's taken on a completely different form. He looks nothing like the spider that was just in front of you, which previously made you want to vomit. Now, standing in this grand throne room was what looked like a goddess.
But, it had John's voice. And you didn't know what grossed you out more, Arachnid-John, or Goddess-John. You shuddered in discomfort.
This beautiful figure with John's voice boomed, "Good luck."
[[Too late to go back.]](set: $johnHP to 350)
(set: $currExperience to it + 70)
(set: $hp to $fullHP)
(set: $currency to it + 1000)
(if: $currExperience >= $allTimeExp)[(goto: "leveled up")]
(else:)[(goto: "next")]Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
John's HP: $johnHP
You charge again, awaiting the blast from the seemingly goddess, but evil creator of a death trap. This was for all those lives lost, this was for everything that they couldn't do. This was for your loved ones, and everyone that you never got to embrace.
[[View Inventory|John Inventory2]]
[[Attack|John Attack 2]]Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
John HP: $johnHP
You swipe your blade at John, hoping that you would hit him, but he really didn't seem all that worried about what was happening. Instead all of these floating discs appeared around him, when did that happen? You didn't see them appear, but that didn't matter. Killing him was the only thing keeping you going.
{(set: $johnDmg to (either: 30, 40, 50))
(set: $critHit to (either: 0, 1))
(if: $critHit is 0)[You damaged John for $swordDmg damage!<br/><br/>
(set: $johnHP to it - $swordDmg)
John was able to throw one of the floating discs at you back for $johnDmg damage!
(if: $useShield is true)[(set: $shield to it - $johnDmg)](else:)[(set: $hp to it - $johnDmg)]]
(if: $shield <= 0)[(set: $useShield to false)Your shield broke!<br/><br/>]
(else:)[(set: $newDmg to $swordDmg + 20) You damaged John for $newDmg damage!<br/><br/>
(set: $johnHp to it - $newDmg)
John was able to throw one of the floating discs at you back for $johnDmg damage!
(set: $hp to it - $johnDmg)]
(if: $johnHP <= 0)[(set: $fromJohn to true)[[Vanquished]].]
(else-if: $hp <= 0)[You [[perished]].]
(else:)[Keep [[going|Too late to go back.]]]}You watched the Goddess body fall, and with it came a sort of floating thing, it looked like an apparition of a middle aged man that appeared to not have showered in weeks. John. The real John, not whatever form he chose to portray in this hell.
"You did it, you were the fated one to slay the almighty," he said, letting out a sigh, and looking around the throne room. In just a few short seconds it all disappeared, leaving you in just a white void. Looking around yourself you could see all of the real people from this world. Scattered, scared and beaten, yet all so hopeful.
"Good luck on your next adventure," was all you heard.
You wake up in a hospital bed, spitting and coughing and sitting up straight, which almost knocked you back out cold. You remembered everything in an instant, and started to panic, when your mother in the corner just looked to you and couldn't help but smile.
You found your way back. You're home.Current HP: $hp
Money: $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
You currently have:
{(if: $sword > 0)[A sword that does $swordDmg damage.<br>]
(if: $shield > 0)[A shield with $shield endurance left. [[Use Shield|JohnShield2]]<br>]
(if: $potions > 0)[$potions potions. [[Use Potion|JohnPot2]]<br>]}
[[Back|Too late to go back.]]{(set: $useShield to true)
(set: $shield to 100)
(goto:"John Inventory")}{(set: $hp to it + 50)
(if: $hp > $fullHP)[(set: $hp to $fullHP)]
(set: $potions to it - 1)
(goto:"John Inventory")}Current HP: $hp
Money: $ $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
Here you could see the little shopkeep, a simple old woman with horribly done AI, you could probably program better than this.
The shopkeep didn't have her usual grin, she seemed blank, expressionless. Empty. You couldn't
On the table in front of you were:
[[Potions for $10|John pot buy]]
[[Shield for $200|John shield buy]]
[[Back|town]]{(if: $currency >= 200)[Purchase successful!
(set: $shield to 100)
(set: $currency to it - 200)
Current shield: $shield
Current money: $ $currency]
(else:)[(display: "Cannot Purchase")]}
[[Back|shop]]{(if: $currency > 10)[Purchase successful!
(set: $potions to it + 1)
(set: $currency to it - 10)
Current potions: $potions
Current money: $ $currency]
(else:)[(display: "Cannot Purchase")]}
[[Back|final Shop]]Double-click this passage to edit it.Current HP: $hp
Money: $currency
EXP: $currExperience / $allTimeExp
Level: $level
You currently have:
{(if: $sword > 0)[A sword that does $swordDmg damage.<br>]
(if: $shield > 0)[A shield with $shield endurance left. [[Use Shield|town shield]]<br>]
(if: $potions > 0)[$potions potions. [[Use Potion|town pot]]<br>]}
[[Back|town2]]{(set: $useShield to true)
(set: $shield to 100)
(goto:"town inventory")}{(set: $hp to it + 50)
(if: $hp > $fullHP)[(set: $hp to $fullHP)]
(set: $potions to it - 1)
(goto:"town inventory")}{(set: $useShield to true)
(set: $shield to 100)
(goto:"John Inventory2")}{(set: $hp to it + 50)
(if: $hp > $fullHP)[(set: $hp to $fullHP)]
(set: $potions to it - 1)
(goto:"John Inventory2")}